# File temp/Graph/Pie.rb, line 187
      def draw_data
        @graph = @root.add_element( "g" )
        background = @graph.add_element("g")
        midground = @graph.add_element("g")

        diameter = @graph_height > @graph_width ? @graph_width : @graph_height
        diameter -= expand_gap if expanded or expand_greatest
        diameter -= datapoint_font_size if show_data_labels
        diameter -= 10 if show_shadow
        radius = diameter / 2.0

        xoff = (width - diameter) / 2
        yoff = (height - @border_bottom - diameter)
        yoff -= 10 if show_shadow
        @graph.attributes['transform'] = "translate( #{xoff} #{yoff} )"

        wedge_text_pad = 5
        wedge_text_pad = 20 if show_percent and show_data_labels

        total = 0
        max_value = 0
        @data.each {|x| 
          max_value = max_value < x ? x : max_value
          total += x 
        percent_scale = 100.0 / total

        prev_percent = 0
        rad_mult = 3.6 * RADIANS
        @config[:fields].each_index { |count|
          value = @data[count]
          percent = percent_scale * value

          radians = prev_percent * rad_mult
          x_start = radius+(Math.sin(radians) * radius)
          y_start = radius-(Math.cos(radians) * radius)
          radians = (prev_percent+percent) * rad_mult
          x_end = radius+(Math.sin(radians) * radius)
          x_end -= 0.00001 if @data.length == 1
          y_end = radius-(Math.cos(radians) * radius)
          path = "M#{radius},#{radius} L#{x_start},#{y_start} "+
            "A#{radius},#{radius} "+
            "0, #{percent >= 50 ? '1' : '0'},1, "+
            "#{x_end} #{y_end} Z"

          wedge = @foreground.add_element( "path", {
            "d" => path,
            "class" => "fill#{count+1}"

          translate = nil
          tx = 0
          ty = 0
          half_percent = prev_percent + percent / 2
          radians = half_percent * rad_mult

          if show_shadow
            shadow = background.add_element( "path", {
              "d" => path,
              "filter" => "url(#dropshadow)",
              "style" => "fill: #ccc; stroke: none;"
            clear = midground.add_element( "path", {
              "d" => path,
              "style" => "fill: #fff; stroke: none;"

          if expanded or (expand_greatest && value == max_value)
            tx = (Math.sin(radians) * expand_gap)
            ty = -(Math.cos(radians) * expand_gap)
            translate = "translate( #{tx} #{ty} )"
            wedge.attributes["transform"] = translate
            clear.attributes["transform"] = translate if clear

          if show_shadow
            shadow.attributes["transform"] = 
              "translate( #{tx+shadow_offset} #{ty+shadow_offset} )"
          if show_data_labels and value != 0
            label = ""
            label += @config[:fields][count] if show_key_data_labels
            label += " ["+value.to_s+"]" if show_actual_values
            label += " "+percent.round.to_s+"%" if show_percent

            msr = Math.sin(radians)
            mcr = Math.cos(radians)
            tx = radius + (msr * radius)
            ty = radius -(mcr * radius)

            if expanded or (expand_greatest && value == max_value)
              tx += (msr * expand_gap)
              ty -= (mcr * expand_gap)
            @foreground.add_element( "text", {
              "x" => tx.to_s,
              "y" => ty.to_s,
              "class" => "dataPointLabel",
              "style" => "stroke: #fff; stroke-width: 2;"
            }).text = label.to_s
            @foreground.add_element( "text", {
              "x" => tx.to_s,
              "y" => ty.to_s,
              "class" => "dataPointLabel",
            }).text = label.to_s

          prev_percent += percent